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Chair’s News – September 2015


At the start of this academic year, the Governing Body (GB) decided to reconstitute under new government guidelines. We kept the same number of governors overall but made some changes to how we select governors. There are seven Foundation Governors, two Elected Parent Governor positions (one vacancy) and one Staff Governor.  The majority of governors are now appointed on the basis of the skills they can bring to the school, the most important of these being the ability to ask questions to make sure they challenge and support – this ensures the school is providing the best it can for all our children.

Staff Governor elections were held in May. Mrs Fillingham was elected for a term of four years. The vacancy for Parent Elected Governor will commence in September 2015.  The GB changed the number of committees it has and put in place New Terms of Reference for the FGB and new committees.



  • Standards and Quality
  • Finance, Personnel and Environment
  • Inclusion and Safeguarding
  • Pay and Performance
  • Admissions


Standards and Quality Committee (S&Q)


The Standards and Quality Committee is made up of five Governors, this includes the Headteacher and any members of the school’s Senior Leadership Team as required. The main purpose of the committee is to discuss and monitor all aspects of the school’s work around pupil attainment and progress, but this year it has also been ensuring that the new curriculum has been designed and has been fully implemented in line with new government regulations.


Finance, Personnel and Environment


The Finance, Personnel and Environment Committee are made up of four governors including the Headteacher. Governors are responsible for overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.




The GB has been instrumental in developing the outside area of the school including playground and this work will continue. The GB is working with the Archdiocese around building projects, enhancing the look of the main reception area and extending the school hall area, gaining additional valuable, much needed space.


Inclusion and Safeguarding


The Inclusion and Safeguarding Committee is made up of six Governors including the Headteacher. The committee, as well as the S&Q committee, verifies that in line with the school’s mission and aims the school’s curriculum is broad, balanced and inclusive; meets the needs of all children and those with specific needs e.g. the most able, children with SEND, children with English as an Additional Language; including personal, spiritual, moral, social, cultural aspects and covers key Safeguarding messages and lessons.  The school has undertaken Safeguarding training and has been made aware of and understand the content within the recently circulated revised Safeguarding Policy (Summer 2015).


Our committees have met every term and governors representing all committees are committed to raising standards and ensuring they meet their core functions. Committee members monitor how the school is performing.




Governors have monitored the progress of the Deputy Headteacher who was appointed and joined the staff in September 2014.  The Board of Governors recently carried out the process of selecting and recruiting a new Headteacher, due to our current Headteacher leaving in Summer 2015.  Governors successfully appointed and our new Headteacher will take up their appointment in January 2016.  We are very excited about this appointment and looking forward to cementing a strong, firm relationship.

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