National CSE Day 18th March
Please see below a communication from Knowsley Council regarding National Child Sexual Exploitation Day:
Dear Parents/ Carers/ Staff,
The council is once again supporting National CSE day which takes place on Sunday, 18 March 2018 to raise awareness of this important issue.
There will also be a targeted campaign from 18 March through to 23 March which will see council officers teaming up with the police to visit a range of locations to engage with young people and the wider community around this issue – for example, McDonalds, GP surgeries and walk-in centres.
Please find below some text around the campaign which I’d be grateful if you could share through your channels – parent newsletter / your website / social media sites / staff newsletter and noticeboards.
National CSE day
Sunday, 18 March is National CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation) day, which aims to highlight the issues surrounding child sexual exploitation, encouraging everyone to think, identify and speak out against abuse.
The council and partners in Knowsley, including Merseyside Police, are continuing to raise awareness of this sensitive issue by informing, educating and ultimately preventing this form of child sexual abuse which can have devasting effects on the lives of victims and their families.
As part of this work, children and young people, their parents or carers, teachers or professionals working with children are encouraged to visit the listen to my story website – The listen to my story campaign raises awareness of CSE and importantly, where to get help and support. It also highlights the signs to look-out for including changes in behaviour, unexplained gifts and an increase in mobile phone use or secretive use.
Many thanks
Karen Christie
Principal Communications Manager
Tel: 0151 443 3495
Knowsley Council ê PO Box 21 ê Archway Road ê Huyton ê L36 9YU