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St John Fisher: Our Vision

At St John Fisher, we strive to create a school community where children and adults achieve their full potential and SHINE! We will achieve this through engagement, high expectations and by treating all with respect and dignity.

­St John Fisher is a Catholic School under the trusteeship of the Archdiocese of Liverpool. It is maintained by Knowsley Council. As a Voluntary Aided School, the Governing Body is the Admissions Authority and is responsible for taking decisions on applications for admissions. The co-ordination of admissions arrangements is undertaken by the Local Authority. For the school’s year commencing September 2025, the Governing Body has set its admissions number at 30.    

Our principal role as a Catholic school is to participate in the mission of the Catholic Church by providing a framework which will help children to grow in their understanding of the Good News and in the practice of their faith. The school will help the children develop fully as human beings and prepare them to undertake their responsibilities as Catholic in society. The school asks all parents applying for a place here to respect this ethos and its importance to the school community. This does not affect the rights of parents who are not of the faith of this school to apply for and be considered for a place here.

Admissions 2025 Primary and Secondary School Places – Information to parents

  • The online application portal is now available via the Knowsley website for Knowsley resident parents to apply for entry to reception class and year 7 transfer Portal Home (
  • A letter has been issued to the home address of year 6 children attending Knowsley schools to make them aware of the application process. This letter includes a UID reference for Knowsley resident children that can be input on the application portal to match the application to LA records for the child. However, parents can still make an online application without the UID. Children who live in other LA areas will be advised to apply via their home LA application portal.
  • A letter will be sent to children of preschool age later in the month.
  • Please see attached A4 poster design to advertise each process – Primary Poster 2025-26 and Secondary Poster 2025-26
  • The national application closing date for secondary transfer applications is 31 October 2024 and for reception applications is 15 January 2025.
  • St John Fisher Catholic Primary School will require a Supplementary Faith Form to be completed by parents wishing to provide faith information. Information can be found in the LA documentation and published on the council website in respect of this Supplementary Information Forms | Knowsley Council. Information is also within the schools Admissions Policy. Supplementary Information Form

Knowsley web pages have been updated and can be found at School admissions | Knowsley Council Parents/Carers can find all information with regards to admissions process.  Below are pdf copies of the following documents that may be a useful reference when completing the applications online.

Nursery class admissions

  • Application for a Nursery place is made directly to the school.  Application forms and information are available on request.
  • Information in respect of nursery admission – including the oversubscription criteria for community schools and those academy schools who have adopted this policy and the relevant application form for parents to be used by community schools (other schools are also welcome to use this form if they wish)  will also be available to parents via the Knowsley website Nursery class admissions | Knowsley Council

If you have any queries regarding admissions please contact Knowsley Admissions Team at

Our office telephone lines are staffed between the hours of 10am and 12noon – please use any number to contact us with general queries, but, as a guide:

  • Annual reception class admission – (0151) 443 5143
  • Primary to secondary transfer – (0151) 443 5142
  • In year admission – (0151) 443 3372 / 3373

There is an answerphone facility outside of these times or if lines are unavailable.


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