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St John Fisher: Our Vision

At St John Fisher, we strive to create a school community where children and adults achieve their full potential and SHINE!  We will achieve this through engagement, high expectations and by treating all with respect and dignity.

In Early Years, we use the non-statutory Development Matters as a guidance material to support the implementation of the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. Within this, we use the Characteristics of Effective learning to ensure that our children at St John Fisher:

  • are willing to have a go
  • are involved and concentrating
  • have their own ideas
  • choose ways to do things
  • find new ways of doing things
  • enjoy achieving what they set out to do

We ensure that we provide access to a rich learning environment where opportunities and conditions allow children to flourish in all aspects of their development. Our learning environment ensures a balance across all areas of learning. We ensure that effective assessment takes place to ensure greatest progress by providing a wide range of opportunities for children to demonstrate their understanding, learning and development in a range of contexts.

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