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Family Learning

St John Fisher: Our Vision

At St John Fisher, we strive to create a school community where children and adults achieve their full potential and SHINE!  We will achieve this through engagementhigh expectations and by treating all with respect and dignity.

Be at the heart of your child\’s learning


We offer a variety of opportunities for our parents and carers to develop their own learning further.

This term we are offering 3 sessions for our new Reception parents to learn more about Phonics, Reading and Writing.  

Families Connect- 

We will also be running \’Families Connect\’ An 8 week course created by Save the Children.

In the UK, children from lower income families are 50% less likely to do as well at school as their wealthier classmates.

For these families, creating a good learning environment at home – and crucially, increasing parents’ skills and confidence to support their child’s learning – can reduce the impact of poverty on their child’s future.

Only a small fraction of children’s learning takes place at school, so the better the home learning environment, the better the child’s learning can be.

How Families Connect works

Families Connect focuses on supporting parents and children to learn together.

It helps parents to support their children’s learning in three key areas:

  • literacy and language development
  • numeracy
  • emotional development.

The eight-week programme provides a series of activities, techniques and games that parents and carers can do with their children at home.

Each activity encourages parents and children to spend quality time together by talking about specific topics and reflecting on what they already do to support their children’s learning.

Parents also discuss the science behind the programme’s activities. These informal workshops invite parents to explore new games and approaches that might help them to support their child’s learning at home.

Recent courses/ Parent learning opportunities:

8 week course course for our parents \’Understanding your child\’s behaviour\’.

Phonics- Information on how your child learns to read 

Stay and Play- our new Reception children invited their parents to join them in their classroom and make shakers!

Meet the Teacher- All teachers hosted a coffee morning/ afternoon where parents could come along to learn about what their children would learn in their new class.  

(Jan 2016) had an Online Safety focus and was enjoyable as well as informative for the parents who attended.

Parent Volunteer Training- an accredited 1 day course.  As a result of this, we now have a number of parents who have signed up to volunteer in school.

 \’Speakeasy\’.  This is an accredited unit which equips parents and carers with the information and skills to confidently discuss puberty with their own children. 

If you are interested in any of our courses or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact the school.



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