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Welcome to the Governing Board of St John Fisher Catholic Primary School. We are a committed team who are dedicated to raising standards and achieving better outcomes for all our stakeholders. Through strong skills set, knowledge, experience and ongoing training each member of the Governing Body  has something vital to bring to the team; Education, Finance, Health & Safety, an understanding of stakeholders views from the staffroom, parents at the gate, strong community perspective.

We are very fortunate in having so many dedicated governors who take their role seriously and regularly attend training to ensure they are up to date with new requirements, legislation and ways of working. Training is very well attended with the expectation that learning is disseminated to all governors.

Governing bodies provide strategic leadership for our schools and have a critical role in making sure every child gets the best possible education. For maintained schools this is reflected in the law, which states that the purpose of governing bodies is to ‘conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school’.

We are constantly building and developing our governance and we are certain with the members we have we will become stronger as a team in delivering a brighter educational experience for our young people.


If you would like to know more about the Governing Body of St John Fisher, please contact the school office or the Clerk to the Governors:

Mrs L Morris:

The Chair of Governors is Ms Sue Orme, who can be contacted via the school office, or through the Clerk to Governing Body via email at:

The Vice-Chair of Governors is Mr Graham Ennis, who can be contacted via the school office or through the Clerk to Governing Body via email at:

Our Governors

Sue Orme

Sue Orme

Chair of Governors
Local Authority Governor

Graham Ennis

Graham Ennis

Vice Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor

Michelle Ravey

Michelle Ravey

Foundation Governor

Christine Smith

Christine Smith

Foundation Governor

Luke Carter

Luke Carter

Parent Governor

Victoria Williams

Victoria Williams

Parent Governor

Zena McCarthy

Zena McCarthy

Staff Governor

Claire Lewis (Headteacher)

Claire Lewis (Headteacher)

Lorraine Morris - Clerk to Governors

Lorraine Morris - Clerk to Governors

National Governance Association – Peer Review

As part of our ongoing Continuous Professional Development the Governing Board has been involved in a Peer Review with three other Knowsley schools facilitated by the NGA. This will support governors in improving the overall effectiveness of the Board, thus improving outcomes for our pupils.

The Governing Body is, therefore, rightly proud of the achievements of the school, not only in terms of academic results, but also in the solid foundations it provides in preparing all our pupils for the remainder of their formative education.”

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