Parent’s Meeting- Child Criminal Exploitation
“Child Criminal Exploitation is a rapidly emerging issue which is a major concern for our communities.”
(Quote from Merseyside’s Police Commissioner Jane Kennedy)
As a consequence of the above statement Knowsley and Sefton Councils have arranged for two workers to be commissioned to raise awareness of Child Criminal Exploitation and who will discuss peer pressure and other issues with our Y5/6 children.
On Tuesday, 16th May at 5.30pm, Mark Reynolds from the Child Criminal Exploitation team in Knowsley will be holding a meeting for parents and carers to discuss this theme This presentation will enable them understand:
- What Child Criminal Exploitation is
- How and why children are exploited
- Factors which make children vulnerable to exploitation
- Gang culture and its organisation
- What to watch for (signs and behaviours of an exploited child)
- What parents can do to combat exploitation
- Where to seek help if they are worried that their child or a child is being exploited
- Consequences of gang involvement
If you be interested in attending this meeting, regardless of the age of your child, please fill in the reply slip below. The meeting will be for adults only and is open to other family member or friends who may not have children in this school.